
R&D Incentives

Rewarding your innovative ideas

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Governments around the world have schemes in place to help fund innovative projects or research and development (R&D). These incentives are proven to help stimulate the economy, jobs, and skills creation. The UK is no different with several schemes available to companies engaged in innovative projects in Britain.

Is my business eligible for R&D incentives?

We speak to companies every single day who don’t believe the R&D incentive schemes apply to them. In reality, the definition of R&D for tax purposes covers a much broader range of activities than you might think, and it’s very likely that some of your everyday activity will qualify too.

UK R&D incentives aren’t just for scientists in white lab coats; they’re designed to apply to all industries and sectors. Some of our most innovative clients are construction companies, shoe manufacturers, and software developers.

Over £900m in benefit received by our UK clients
15k R&D project analysed annually
Over 20k clients trust us each year

Take a look at R&D incentives explained to find out how they apply to your business.

With over £900m of benefit received by our UK clients, we’re well placed to guide you through this niche area of tax. We work with companies of all shapes and sizes and across a wide variety of industries to ensure their business enjoys the maximum financial rewards.

HMRC relationship

We pride ourselves on our excellent working relationships with the tax authorities who oversee the schemes on which we provide advice. We play an active role in the HMRC R&D Consultative Committee and employ ex-HMRC personnel who have been heavily involved in the R&D incentive schemes since their inception.

Our service doesn’t end with submitting your claim; we work with you and HMRC to ensure that your claim is processed correctly and efficiently.

Our Consultants

We know first-hand how time-consuming and complicated claiming R&D incentives can be, which is why your R&D incentives team is so important. At Ayming, we are not just tax experts; first and foremost we are technical experts. By employing scientists, engineers, software developers and other technical specialists, we can work with you to genuinely understand what you do and how you innovate.

Understanding the technicalities of your projects, business and industry, alongside the complexities of R&D tax legislation, is the only way to ensure all eligible R&D activity is correctly identified and your claims are maximised. Our technical experts are complimented by experienced, qualified tax and accounting specialists, ensuring that we have all bases covered.

Your R&D incentives partner

Ayming is Europe’s largest R&D incentives advisor. We have offices across Europe, Asia and North America, and research and development incentives experts in every sector, from Construction & Engineering and Life Sciences to Food & Beverage and IT & Technology.

In the UK, we work with hundreds of SMEs and Large Companies every year, helping them make the most of their research and development. This isn’t just about filling in R&D incentive claims. We work with finance and technical staff to understand our client’s business, goals and objectives and then to uncover qualifying research and development expenditure.

Europe's largest R&D tax adviser
Over 20,000 clients worldwide
16,000 R&D tax claims submitted worldwide, every year

Helping our clients with their R&D incentive claims is just one part of our innovation advisory. We act as an innovation partner to the majority of our clients. So, not only do we help with your R&D incentive claim, we advise on best practices in recording research and development activity within your projects to help with future claims, we advise on business processes and how you can better approach future innovation, and how you can utilise R&D tax credits to improve cash flow.