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Forward looking R&D advisory with Vivobarefoot

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If the shoe fits?

Vivobarefoot is a specialist shoe designer and manufacturing focussed on functionality and respect for natural, bare-foot movement. The company challenges itself to manufacture footwear as sustainably as possible, without sacrificing comfort or functionality. In order to mass-produce shoes that fulfil its business aims, Vivobarefoot naturally has to find innovative solutions within the production process.

A step forward

Not only has Ayming implemented a comprehensive R&D tax relief claims process at Vivobarefoot, ensuring each project is accurately recorded at each stage, Ayming also provided forward-looking advisory and guided Vivobarefoot through a successful Innovate UK grant funding application.

Ayming has been incredibly impressive, with brainy people very quickly and efficiently understanding all our R&D prerogatives and delivering the results, leaving us to get on with the cobbling! A pleasure to work with and I would not hesitate in recommending them to any company engaged in innovation.
Galahad Clark, Managing Director


Throughout the time that Ayming has worked with Vivobarefoot, it has made technological advances across several areas including material science, manufacturing, engineering, podiatry, chiropody and biomechanics. Working with Ayming, Vivobarefoot is able to concentrate on the systematic innovation within these fields, whilst ensuring they are making the most of the incentives available to them.

Standout Image - Case Studies - Vivo Barefoot

Forward Looking Advisory

With over 30 years’ experience in innovation incentives across Europe, and since the inception of the UK’s R&D tax relief scheme in 2000, Ayming has analysed thousands of R&D projects, and helped its clients claim over £150m in tax relief.

R&D tax relief claims focus on the two previous financial periods and so the industry is typically focussed on looking back. At Ayming, we prefer to focus on the provision of forward-looking advisory. Once past claims are completed, we look to future claims and other innovation incentives to provide a holistic approach to our client’s future innovation strategy. By nominating and training R&D champions within a client’s business we’re able to ensure real-time capture of R&D related information, making R&D tax relief claims more robust and comprehensive, whilst also helping identify areas for innovation grants funding from organisations such as Innovate UK and Horizon 2020.

Our client


  • Specialist shoe manufacturer
  • Pure barefoot technology
  • Designed in London

Vivobarefoot is a specialist shoe designer and manufacturing focussed on functionality and respect for natural, bare-foot movement. The company challenges itself to manufacture footwear as sustainably as possible, without sacrificing comfort or functionality. In order to mass-produce shoes that fulfil its business aims, Vivobarefoot naturally has to find innovative solutions within the production process.