
Year in review: IT & Tech

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News & Press
December 16, 2021

This year, the team has written on a few key trends in the tech space. Joshua Baker kicked off the year with an in-depth piece on connectivity and the cyber arms race.

New connectivity and infrastructure such as cloud are now widespread, but this expanding digital landscape is at risk of the growing prevalence and sophistication of cybercrime.

The cyber security sub-sector is seeing strong growth, but cyber-attacks are on the rise. Firms must innovate at least as fast as cyber criminals. Firms must now focus on data integrity and security both to keep hackers in check and improve customer service. With technology so fast-changing, it pays to be vigilant of new threats and opportunities.

One area the team have looked at this year is EdTech – a growing subsector, which the pandemic once again has stimulated. Nobody contests the importance of education, and now technology is being applied to schools and learning in new and exciting ways with significant funding boosts from the Department of Education. Our consultant, Emma Woodcock, wrote an article exploring some of the most exciting areas of EdTech development. These include the vast potential of AI to adapt teaching models to improve learning, the use of big data in modelling user behaviour and performance, and the use of technology to pique student interest and motivation.

As ever, the International Innovation Barometer has a heavy technological slant. Technology firms must continually invest in R&D to keep pace with competition, arguably more than all other sectors. In light of this, the findings of the report featured in CX Today.

Finally – in the cyclical fashion that is common of R&D progress – technology can also be applied to improve R&D processes with drastic effects, as outlined in our piece, “Why you should be tracking R&D projects in real-time”. All R&D tax claims review projects that qualify as R&D, which can take time. A real-time approach to activity tracking can make applications more efficient instead of a retrospective investigation at the year’s end.

Notes to Editors

Ayming is a leading international Business Performance consultancy and has a global footprint. The Group is present in 15 countries: Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Slovakia, the UK and USA with a staff of approximately 1,300.

In the UK, Ayming helps businesses to improve their financial and operational performance through innovation, tax, and HR performance.

Press Enquiries

Annabel Rivero, Aspectus Group

+44 20 7242 8867

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